Month: November 2022

Varuna Loves Jan Marini Skin Research for Your Skin

Logo of Jan Marini Skin Research featuring stylized blue text on the left and larger black text on a white background, embodying the essence of advanced skin care.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Jan Marini Skin Research to TRANSFORM YOUR SKIN! We are committed to the integrity of our partnerships and providing the best in service and products to meet your evolving skin care needs.

As the winner of more NewBeauty Awards than any other company and backed by multiple peer-reviewed studies published in medical journals, JMSR is committed to ensuring their skincare products deliver results. With JSMR, your skin will be transformed, and you will love the products that maximize your results.

Two Special Offers for Your Beautiful Skin

$30 Off JMSR Facials or Peels For the month of November 2022

Purchase a Series of JMSR Facials or Peels And Receive $75 Off Jan Marini Products for the month of November 2022

New Facials & Peels

Enzyme Facials (60 min) $150.00

Vitamin C Facials (60 min) $155.00

Retinol Facials (60 min) $150.00

Glycolic Resurfacing (45 min) $150.00

Glycolic Resurfacing Plus+ (75 min) $200.00

Marini Peels (45 min) $250.00

Jan Marini Skin Research Facials & Peels

** Facials & Peels are recommended in series for more dramatic results **

Beautiful Before & After with Jan Marini 

JMSR Offers are Valid Through November 2022
You must mention this offer when scheduling your service appointment and checking out your JMSR products. This JSMR Product offer is only valid at Varuna Aveda during the specified dates and has no rainchecks. These offers cannot be combined with any other offers. Any product credit expires by November 30, 2022.

410.268.2828 |
